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Arsenal are set for a big few weeks in their pursuit of the Premier League title this season, with some key fixtures on the horizon
The north Londoners have been besides first-choice preserving midfielder Thomas Partey for the indispensable top-of-the desk conflict after the Ghana global picked up a muscular damage forme..
In the last round, England (7) scored 3 unanswered goals against Wales (1) and went to the playoffs with 1st place. Rashford scored a double for England, and Foden scored a goal.
Joe Biden congratulated the US national team on the victory
Испаниянинг “Барселона” клуби президенти Жоан Лапорта ва клуб бош мураббийи Хави жамоанинг собиқ футболчиси Лионель Мессини каталонияликлар сафига қайтармоқчи. Клуб раҳбарияти унинг қайтиши ..
Evropa jamoalari Evro-2020ga tayyorgarlik doirasida o'rtoqlik uchrashuvlarini o'tkazmoqdalar.
Juftlik 190 kilogramm vaznda avgustda uchrashadi. 28 e'lon qilinadigan joydan