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Sezar salati sousi retsepti bilan

13 Lượt xem· 03/24/25
1 Người đăng ký
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300gr tovuq filesi (tuz va ziravorlar bn qaynatiladi)
1ta ayzberg karom
1ta pamidor
3ta tuxum
3 bolak toster non duxofkada 180° da tuz bn ziravorlar va ozgina o'simlik yog'i 10daq qizdirib olamiz.

Sous un
4osh qoshiq mayonez
2osh qoshiq tovuq qaynatilgan suvidan
Yarimta limon soki
1ch.qoshiq quritilgan myata
0,5 ch.qoshiq murch

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