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"If Russia loses, the street cleaners in the Kremlin will also be waiting for The Hague" - Simonyan

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Russian propagandist Margarita Simonyan suggested that Russians criticizing the politics of their country from abroad should be tried for treason.

"We have been talking about this for many years. Not only in this studio, I personally said this in very, very high offices, and I'm not the only one who said it. These people should be tried under the article of treason in the Criminal Code. We talked about it before any special military operation," said Simonyan in the "Evening with Vladimir Solovev" program on the "Russia 1" TV channel.

The host of the show, Vladimir Solovev, supported his colleague's proposal. In his opinion, "at some point" Russia will have to restore the death penalty and return to death sentences.

During the program, Margarita Simonyan also said that if Russia loses the war in Ukraine, even the street cleaners in the Kremlin will face an international tribunal in The Hague.

"I would like to say that if we allow defeat - either tentatively or really - even the workers who wash the bruschatka behind the Kremlin walls will be waiting in The Hague. What do we care if one more district of Kyiv will be left without electricity? If we allow this [defeat], the scale of the disaster for our country is unimaginable. "He who is afraid of the Hague does not go to the forest," said Margarita Simonyan.

Solovev said that he did not agree with this opinion. "If this happens (if Russia loses - ed.), there will be no Hague at all. The whole world will turn to dust," Solovev said, referring to nuclear war.

It should be noted that Simonyan said in one of his speeches that Russia will occupy Ukraine "within 2 days".

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