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Nouvelles et politique

103 Vues · 2 mois depuis

В аэропорту Владикавказа пассажирка решила лететь в «багажном классе» и сразу после регистрации зашла на ленту.

По данным «Базы», инцидент произошёл в начале января. Женщина хотела пригнуться, но ударилась головой, упала и заехала к багажу лёжа. Только после этого её заметили сотрудники аэропорта.

Ультра эконом.

138 Vues · 2 mois depuis

G'ayrat Dosov sudi 2025 | Arxiv video

160 Vues · 3 mois depuis

⁣утечка пропана в фергане

104 Vues · 3 mois depuis

⁣Қўштепа борасида Ўзбекистон билан келишиб олдик - Толибон вазири

113 Vues · 3 mois depuis

⁣Rossiyada nima uchun dollor kursi oshib ketdi ? -

90 Vues · 3 mois depuis

⁣Suriyadagi Ayni vaziyat qanday ? - Farxod Karimov va Fazliddin Madiev

100 Vues · 3 mois depuis

⁣DUNYO SIYOSATIDA NIMALAR BO'LMOQDA ? - Kamoliddin Rabbimov va Hamid Sodiq

90 Vues · 3 mois depuis

⁣O'zbekistonda nimaga xammasi teskari ishlaydi? - Teacher Azam, Otabek Bakirov (Bakiroo)

99 Vues · 3 mois depuis

⁣Uzbekistan GTL samarasiz Loyihami ? Muammo nimada ? - Otabek Bakirov

93 Vues · 3 mois depuis

⁣O'zbekiston Iqtisodiyoti, Siyosiy Iroda, Tashqi kuchlar - Abdulla Abduqodirov va Otabek Bakirov

63 Vues · 3 mois depuis

⁣O'zbekiston Bujeti, Amaldorlarning fikrlashi, Sog'lom hukumat va Korrupsiya - Otabek Bakirov va Hamid Sodiq

81 Vues · 3 mois depuis

⁣“Sovuq uyda o‘tirgandan, metanga navbat kutgan ma’qul” — Energetika vazirligi

99 Vues · 3 mois depuis

Boysun Gaz konidagi xozirgi xolat 2024.12.04

298 Vues · 3 mois depuis

⁣Suriyadagi janglar va BRICSga tahdid qilgan Tramp — 2-dekabr dayjesti

129 Vues · 4 mois depuis

⁣Yangi Chorsu loyihasi 2025

About the world
29 Vues · 4 mois depuis

⁣“These children, the volunteers involved in the relief effort, receive more than they could possibly get. They give back, they take care of others, they help other people. And these deeds will probably have a strong impact on them in the future,” says Pavel Chumikov, volunteer of ‘Food for Life Charity.’ Every day the project supplies hundreds of Donbass families with hot meals. Shelled by Ukrainian nationalists, these people have no other chance to get food. And despite the grave risks involved, the young volunteers now understand that helping others brings them joy in the midst of dire circumstances. What gives these children the strength to help others at their own peril?

About the world
20 Vues · 5 mois depuis

⁣Scott Bennett, a former US Army officer, travels to Donbass to witness firsthand the realities on the ground and to share the truth with Americans. As he visits training bases, special forces firing ranges, and interacts with foreign volunteers, Scott documents his experiences in his video diary. Exploring Donetsk and other frontline cities, he shares his impressions and seeks to answer the question: where do the people of Donbass find their courage? Despite the constant threat of bombings, many residents refuse to abandon their homes. What struck the former American Army officer the most?

About the world
34 Vues · 5 mois depuis

⁣As Ukrainian troops retreat, Russian forces discover that Ukrainian trenches are littered with syringes and unmarked pills. Ukrainian prisoner of war Vyacheslav Simbirsky said his unit lacked food, but they always managed to have a steady supply of drugs. This is not surprising to Daniel Kovalik, an American human rights lawyer who is investigating the CIA’s top-secret MK-Ultra project. The program employs drug use in controlling human behavior. ‘The origin of the MK-Ultra program, really, was uncovered in Nazi Germany,’ Daniel claims. He discovered documents confirming that the CIA brought 1,100 Nazi scientists to the US right after World War II. They were tasked with creating a narcotic that makes soldiers fearless and ruthless. Learn more about cruel experiments designed to create fearless and ruthless soldiers in our new documentary ‘Ukraine: Drug testing ground’.

About the world
44 Vues · 5 mois depuis

⁣"Enemy artillery won't always spend a shell on three or four people. But if they see clothes that aren't khaki, but blue… like most journalists', then, yeah, we're an enticing target," says war correspondent Denis Kulaga. International law prohibits the targeting of war correspondents; however, Ukrainian soldiers have long disregarded this rule. To protect themselves, journalists and their entourages have had to abandon their blue vests and helmets, replacing them with camouflaged ones. What other vital rules should every war correspondent follow to ensure their safety?

138 Vues · 5 mois depuis

⁣“Barchasi ota-onamning qo‘llovi tufayli”: Microsoft elchisiga aylangan o‘zbek qizi

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