Would you like to report possible abuse to our Abuse Team? If so, please use this email: abuse@vimo.uz
Terms of use
This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) governs the relationship between \"Global Software Ltd\" — the Administration of the Vimo.uz service (hereinafter referred to as the Administration), which provides an unlimited circle of persons with the opportunity to download, store, view and promote the Materials, and an individual (hereinafter referred to as Author, User) using any of these features of the Site.
Using the Site, the User confirms that he has read and expressed full agreement with the terms of this Agreement without any change or withdrawal. If the User does not agree with the terms of this Agreement, then in order to terminate the Agreement in relation to him, the User must immediately stop using the Site, including by visiting it.
\nTerms used in the Agreement:
1.1. Vimo.uz is an integrated software and hardware technological complex of the Administration, containing information available to an indefinite circle of persons and allowing any person to access such information from any place and at any time of their choice by means of a computer and / or other, including wireless, portable devices (PDAs, telephones for cellular networks or other wireless networks, etc.) using any technologies, standards and protocols (web, wap, IP TV, etc.).
1.2. Site - an Internet site that is part of Vimo.uz, which is an integrated set of Internet pages and hosted on the Internet at a unique address (URL): http://www.vimo.uz
1.3. Materials - audio and video materials (including audiovisual works) uploaded by the Author to the Site.
1.5. Comments — text messages/reviews to the Materials published by registered Users (Authors) of the Site.
2. The Author provides the Administration with the Materials for placement on the Site on the terms determined by this Agreement.
3. To receive additional services of the Site, the list of which is determined unilaterally by the Administration (in particular, the possibility of downloading and storing Materials), the User must create an account (register). The Administration accepts the Materials for placement and storage only after the registration of the User.
4. The author is fully responsible, in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, for any actions carried out using his account and is obliged to ensure the confidentiality of the password that provides access to his account, as well as take measures to change such a password, in case any suspicion of the Author of a violation of the confidentiality regime in relation to the password to his account.
Conditions for placing Materials
5.1. No remuneration is paid to the Author for uploaded Materials.
5.2. The author who has uploaded the Materials to Vimo.uz, through the Site, transfers to the Administration, under the terms of a simple (non-exclusive) license, the right to freely use the Materials and / or their individual parts (fragments) by any means, in any form and for any purpose, including by providing wide access to the Materials and / or their individual parts (fragments) and bringing the Materials and / or their individual parts (fragments) to the public within the Site, as well as by posting a link to the player from http://www.vimo. uz on any other Internet resources hosted on the global Internet, in such a way that any person can access any Materials, from any place and at any time, at his own choice (both with and without the possibility of storing in memory computer and / or other wireless portable device), as well as by including the Materials or any of their parts (fragments) in any other audiovisual works and creating derivative audiovisual works. visual works and by broadcasting the Materials and by cable, without paying any remuneration.
5.3. The Author agrees to the Administration of the rights to use the Materials to third parties (sublicense) to the extent determined by the Administration, both on a reimbursable and non-reimbursable basis.
5.4. The Administration has the right to place on the pages of the Site containing the Author's Materials, as well as reproduce through the Site, together with the Materials, advertising materials, videos, banners and announcements, including those of third parties, modify and process the Materials, and also use the sent Materials for other commercial purposes.
5.5. The Administration is not obliged to provide the Author with any reports on the use of the Materials uploaded by the Author.
5.6. The Author guarantees that he has all the necessary rights to use the Materials and authorize their use in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, and bears all responsibility for their placement and use in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. BUTthe author guarantees that the placement of the Materials on Vimo.uz and their further use does not violate the personal or property rights of others, including, but not limited to, copyright, related, patent rights, the right to privacy, to protect honor, dignity and good name , the right to the image of a citizen, etc.
5.7. In the event of situations in which the Administration has doubts that the Author is the owner of the rights to any Materials posted by him, or reasons to believe that the Materials violate any rights or legitimate interests of third parties, or if the content Materials contradict the requirements of this Agreement and / or the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Author bears full and sole responsibility in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and the Administration has the right, at its discretion, to remove the relevant Materials from the Site. At the same time, the Administration is not obliged to notify the Author of the reasons for such refusal or removal of the Materials. This clause of the Agreement does not mean and cannot be interpreted as imposing on the Administration the obligation to regularly monitor the content of the Materials posted by the Author.
5.8. If the facts of repeated violation of the terms of this Agreement are revealed in relation to the Author, the Administration has the right to unilaterally block the Author's account, as well as delete the posted materials.
5.9. Responsibility for unauthorized copying and use of the Materials is borne by persons and organizations that illegally used the Materials posted on the Site.
5.10. When placing the Materials, the Administration indicates the pseudonym (nickname) of the Author, specified by the Author during registration and placement of the Materials.
5.11. Materials placed on Vimo.uz must comply with the following conditions:
5.11.1. The materials and actions of the Author must not violate the current regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan, offend morality, honor and dignity, rights and legally protected interests of third parties, violate copyright and related rights, promote hatred and / or discrimination of people based on racial, ethnic, gender or social signs, promote incitement of religious, racial or ethnic hatred, contain scenes of violence or cruelty to animals, etc.;
5.11.2. The materials and actions of the Author must not violate or infringe on the rights of minors;
5.11.3. It is forbidden to post Materials that the Author does not have the right to make available by law or in accordance with any contractual relationship;
5.11.4. It is forbidden to post Materials that affect any patent, trademark, trade secret or copyright and related rights of a third party;
5.11.5. The author has no right to upload, post or otherwise distribute intrusive and unsolicited advertising and correspondence, spam, \"chain letters\", invitations to participate in financial pyramids or impose goods or services in other ways;
5.11.6. It is prohibited to post Materials containing computer codes intended to disrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer or telecommunications equipment or programs, to provide unauthorized access, as well as serial numbers to commercial software products, logins, passwords and other means to obtain unauthorized access to paid resources on the Internet;
5.11.7. The Content and actions of the Author must not intentionally or accidentally violate any applicable local or international regulations;
5.11.8. Materials should not contain propaganda of narcotic drugs;
5.11.9. The Author has no right to post records or Materials that can cause harm, contain threats, rude and offensive expressions and proposals that are contrary to generally accepted moral standards, illegally use personal information of third parties (including, but not limited to, mentioning any addresses and telephone numbers or any other personal contact information without the consent of the owner);
5.11.10. It is forbidden to post materials of a pornographic nature;
5.11.11. It is forbidden to place Materials with advertising inserts: text, video, audio, tickers, links to websites and other forms of advertising;
5.11.12. It is forbidden to post Materials containing religious propaganda;
5.11.13. It is forbidden to post Materials that in any way violate the generally accepted moral and ethical standards and traditions that are contrary to the mentality of the people of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
5.11.14. It is forbidden to place Materials without a certain semantic load.
5.12. The User has no right to collect and store personal data of other Users.
5.13. The user does not have the right to impersonate another person or representative of an organization and / or community without sufficient rights, including, but not limited to, the staff of the Vimo.uz Administration, as well as disseminate false information regarding his involvement in the Administration and any other physical and legal persons.
5.14. The User undertakes not to use Vimo.uz to collect information for commercial purposes, and not to interrogate other Users in any way for commercial purposes.
5.15. The User undertakes not to copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, broadcast, show, sell, license or otherwise use any Materials posted on the Site by third parties, including other Users and the Administration.
5.16. By accepting these Rules, the User confirms his consent to the processing by the Administration of his personal data provided during registration, as well as placed by the User voluntarily on his personal page. The processing of the User's personal data is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The Administration takes all necessary measures to protect the User's personal data from unauthorized access, modification, disclosure or destruction. The Site Administration has the right to use the information provided by the User, including personal data, in order to ensure compliance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan (including for the purpose of preventing and / or suppressing illegal and / or unlawful actions of Users). Disclosure of the information provided by the User can be made only in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan at the request of the court, law enforcement agencies and equally in other cases provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
5.17. The Administration is not responsible for the content of the Materials and their compliance with the requirements of the current regulatory legal acts; for copyright infringement and unauthorized use of trademarks, commercial designations, etc., as well as for possible violations of the rights of third parties in connection with the placement of Materials on Vimo.uz and / or their use in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. In the event of claims from third parties related to the placement of the Materials on the Site and / or their use, the Author independently and at his own expense will settle these claims. The Administration is also not responsible for harm caused to the User by third parties, including through the Site and / or using the features of the Site.
5.18. The Administration tries to ensure the smooth operation of Vimo.uz, but is not responsible for the complete or partial loss of the Materials posted by the Author, as well as for the insufficient quality or speed of the provision of services for the placement, reproduction and demonstration of the Materials.
5.19. The Administration grants the User the right to post information about himself, namely: nickname, logos, trademarks, other means of individualization of the User, his goods, services, brief information about the User's Materials posted on the Site, a link to the User's official website, User's images. This information is not an advertisement of the User or an advertisement of his goods and services and is posted solely to identify the User on the Site as the Author of the Materials posted by him.
Conditions for placing Comments:
The user of the site Vimo.uz undertakes not to post on the Site Comments of the following nature:
6.1. Violating the law, containing threats and insults, discrediting other persons, violating the rights of citizens to private life or public order, bearing the nature of obscenity;
6.2. Violating to some extent the honor and dignity, rights and legally protected interests of other persons;
6.3. Facilitating or containing calls to incite religious, racial or ethnic hatred, containing attempts to incite hatred or calls for violence; other materials that incite other persons to unlawful behavior that entails criminal, civil and other liability or in any way violates the provisions of the law.
6.4. Being an advertisement of any goods or services, without obtaining the prior express consent of the Administration of the Site Vimo.uz.
6.5. Containing obscene words and / or expressions, including in an abbreviated or hidden form.
Technical requirements for Materials:
7.1. Materials are posted on Vimo.uz if the Author sends them in accordance with the technical requirements established by this paragraph. The administration has the right not to post the Materials if they do not correspond comply with these requirements.
7.2. Video and Audio Materials must be provided in common formats (MP4, MKV, AVI, WMV, MOV, 3GP, FLV, MPEG-1-4, WebM) no larger than 500 MB and no longer than 90 minutes.
7.3. Materials are placed on Vimo.uz by downloading through the user interface of the Site. (Main menu item "Upload video")
The Agreement is a legally binding agreement between the User and the Administration and regulates the terms of use of Vimo.uz, including the provision of Materials for placement on website and their further use.
The applicable law under this Agreement is the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan. All disputes regarding the Agreement are resolved in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan at the location of the Administration.
A person who believes that his rights and interests have been violated due to the actions of the Administration or third parties in connection with the placement of any Materials on the site is obliged to notify the Administration via e-mail info@vimo.uz and / or send written claim.
The author agrees that this Agreement may be changed by the Administration, unilaterally, without any special notice. Any changes come into force from the moment a new version of the Agreement is published on the Site page at http://vimo.uz/terms/terms. Continued use of Vimo.uz after the publication of a new version of the Agreement on the Site will mean the User's consent to the changes to the Agreement. In case of disagreement with the changes in the Agreement that have come into force, the User is obliged to immediately stop using Vimo.uz, including by visiting the Site. At the same time, the Agreement will be terminated, with the exception of paragraphs 5.2 - 5.6 of the Agreement, which terminate upon the expiration of the exclusive rights to the Materials posted by the User before deleting his account.
In the event of the adoption of regulatory legal acts by the authorities of the Republic of Uzbekistan, affecting in whole or in part the functioning of the Site, the Administration reserves the right to make any changes in the functioning of the Site, aimed at bringing the latter into line with the new standards.
Warranty Disclaimer - The User fully acknowledges and acknowledges that:
13.1. Uses the Services entirely at your own risk. Services are provided \"as is\" and \"what is\". The administration specifically emphasizes the absence of any warranties, either expressed or not expressed, including, but not limited to, warranties of the quality of services, their suitability for a particular purpose and non-infringement.
13.2. The Administration does not guarantee that:
13.2.1. Services will meet the requirements of the user;
13.2.2. Services will be delivered uninterrupted, on time, error-free and secure;
13.2.3. The results obtained from the use of the services will be true or reliable;
13.2.4. The quality of any goods, services, information and other materials obtained or acquired by the user through the site will meet your expectations;
13.2.5. Any errors in the software will be corrected;
13.3. downloading and otherwise obtaining any material in the course of using the services is at the user's own risk, who is solely responsible for any damage to his computer, loss of data and other consequences.
13.4. no recommendations or information received by the user orally or in writing from the Administration or through services impose on the Administration guarantees other than those stipulated in the terms of this agreement.
Limitation of liability - the user is fully aware and confirms that the Administration is not responsible for any direct, indirect, accidental, special, resulting or imposed as a punishment damage, including, but not limited to, loss of profits, damage from use, loss of data or any other intangible loss, damage to reputation and other damage (even if the Administration has been advised of the possibility of such damage) arising from:
14.1. Use or inability to use the Services.
14.2. Changes in the terms of the agreement, receipt of data in exchange for those acquired through or through the services or as a result of concluded transactions, messages and information received from or through the services.
14.3. Unauthorized access to user data or changes to data transmitted by him or stored on the server.
14.4. Statements or conduct of any person on the Site.
14.5. Any other matter related to the service provided.
Privacy Policy
\nThis privacy policy has been compiled ??to better serve those who is busy determined by how their "Personally Identifiable Information" (PII) is used on the Internet. PII, as described in the Law of Uzbekistan on Privacy and Security of Information, is information that can be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact or locate a single person, or to identify a person in a context. Please read our privacy policy carefully to obtain a clear understanding of how we collect, use, protect or otherwise process your Personally Identifiable Information in accordance with our site.
What personal information do we collect from people who visit our blog, website or app?
\nWhen ordering or registering on our website , depending on the situation, you may be asked to enter your name, email address, mailing address, phone number, social security number, or other details to help you with your experience.
When do we collect information?
We collect information from you when you register on our site or enter information on our site.
How do we use your information?
We may use the information we collect from you when you register, make a purchase, subscribe to a newsletter, respond to a survey or marketing communication, surf the website, or use certain other site features in the following ways: < br />
• To personalize your experience and allow us to provide the type of content and product offerings that interest you the most.
• To improve our site to better serve you.
How do we protect your information?
We do not use vulnerability scanning and/or PCI standards scanning.
We only provide articles and information. We never ask for credit card numbers.
We use regular malware scanning.
Your personal information is stored on secure networks and is only accessible by a limited number of individuals who have special access rights to such systems and are required to keep the information confidential. In addition, all sensitive/credit information you supply is encrypted using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.
We apply various security measures when a user enters, transmits or accesses their information to ensure the security of your personal information.
All transactions are processed through the gateway provider and are not stored or processed on our servers.
Do we use cookies?
Yes. Cookies are small files that a site or its service provider transfers to your computer's hard drive through your web browser (if allowed) that allows the site's or service provider's systems to recognize your browser and capture and remember certain information. For example, we use cookies to help us remember and process the items in your shopping cart. They are also used to help us understand your preferences based on previous or current site activity, enabling us to provide you with better services. We also use cookies to help us compile aggregate data about site traffic and site interaction so that we can offer better site experiences and tools in the future.
We use cookies to:
• Compile aggregate data about site traffic and site interactions to provide better site experiences and tools in the future. We may also use trusted third party services that track this information on our behalf.
You can choose to have your computer warn you each time a cookie is being sent, or you can choose to disable all cookies. You do this through your browser settings. Since the browser is slightly different, look in your browser's help menu for the correct way to change cookies.
If you disable cookies, some of the features that make your site more efficient may not work correctly. This will not affect the user experience which will make your site more efficient and may not work properly.
Third Party Disclosures
We do not sell, trade or otherwise transfer your Personally Identifiable Information to other parties.
Third Party Links
Sometimes, at our discretion, we may include or offer third party products or services on our website. These third party sites have separate and independent privacy policies. We therefore assume no liability for the content and activities of these linked sites. However, we strive to protect the integrity of our site and welcome any feedback about these sites.
TThe requirements for Google advertising can be summarized in the Google Advertising Principles. They are implemented to provide a positive experience for users. https://support.google.com/adwordspolicy/answer/1316548?hl=en
We use Google AdSense advertising on our website.
Google, as a third party vendor, uses cookies to serve ads on our site. The use of the Google DART cookie allows ads to be shown to our users based on previous visits to our site and other sites on the Internet. Users may opt out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the Google Ad and Content Network privacy policy.
We have implemented the following:
• Remarketing with Google AdSense
We use third-party cookies (such as Google Analytics cookies) together with third party providers such as Google ) and third-party cookies (such as DoubleClick cookies) or other third-party identifiers to compile data about user interactions with ad impressions and other advertising service features associated with our site.
Users can set preferences for how Google advertises to you using the Google Ad Settings page. Alternatively, you may opt out by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative page or by adding the Google Analytics Opt Out browser.
Uzbekistan Internet Privacy Protection Law
\"Informatization Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan\" is the first state law in the country that requires commercial websites and online services to post a policy privacy. The reach of the law extends far beyond Uzbekistan to require any person or company in Uzbekistan (and possibly the world) for websites that collect personal information from Uzbekistan consumers to post a conspicuous privacy policy on their website that accurately indicates the information collected, and those individuals or companies with whom it is shared. - See more at: http://www.lex.uz/pages/GetAct.aspx?lact_id=82956
According to the Informatization Law, we agree to the following:
Users may visit our site anonymously.
Once this privacy policy has been created, we will add a link to it on our home page, or at least on the first important page after entering our site.
Our privacy policy includes the word "Privacy" and can be easily found on the page linked above.
You will be notified of any changes to the Privacy Policy:
• Via e-mail
You can change your personal information:
• Via e-mail
• Call us
• By logging into your account
How does our site handle Not Not Track signals?
We abide by the Do Not Track Signals policy and do not track, set cookies, or use ads when the browser's Do Not Track (DNT) mechanism is in place.
Does our site support third party behavioral tracking?
It's also important to note that we allow third-party behavioral tracking
COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act)
When it comes to collecting personal information from children under the age of 13, the Children's Online Protection Act (COPPA) puts parents in control. The Federal Trade Commission, the consumer protection agency of the United States, enforces the COPPA rule, which outlines what website and online service operators must do to protect the privacy and safety of children online.
We do not specialize in the market for children under the age of 13.
Do we allow third parties, including ad networks or plugins, to collect PII from children under 13?
Fair Information Practices
Fair Information Practices principles form the basis of privacy law in the United States, and the concepts they contain play an important role in the development of data protection laws around the world. the world. Understanding the principles of fair information practice and how they should be implemented is critical to complying with the various privacy laws that protect personal information.
In order to comply with the principles of fair information, we will take the following actions in the event of a data breach:
We will notify you by email
• Within 7 business days
< br />We also agree with the principle of individual redress, which requires individuals to have the right to legally pursue enforcement rights against data collectors and processors who do not comply with the law. This principle requires not only that individuals have enforcement rights against data users, but also that individualsIndividuals apply to courts or government agencies to investigate and/or prosecute non-compliance by data processors.
The CAN-SPAM Act is the law that sets the rules for commercial email, establishes requirements for commercial communications, gives recipients the right to ensure that emails are not were sent to them, and lays out harsh penalties for violations.
We collect your email address in order to:
• Send information, respond to inquiries and/or other requests or questions
To be in accordance with CANSPAM, we agree to the following:
• Do not use false or misleading objects or e-mail addresses.
If you wish to unsubscribe from future communications at any time, you can email us
and we will promptly remove you from all correspondence.
You can remove information in the following ways:
- remove information from certain Vimo services;
- remove certain materials from the account using the settings on the page Settings;
- remove specific Vimo products, and related information;
- completely delete your Vimo account.
Contact us
If you have any questions regarding this privacy policy, you can contact us, using the information below.
Amir Temur 12
Tashkent, Tashkent 111727
Vimo.uz -- The most interesting and popular videos on the Tas-ix network
\nVimo was born in 2018, created by the Global Software group, who need an easy and beautiful way to share video with friends.The word started to spread and the insanely supportive community of creators began to blossom.Vimo is now home to more creators.
The opportunity to find your community
\ nOn our site, everyone has a chance to fulfill themselves and find their audience.The success of the authors depends only on the interest of the viewers.
We are convinced that the world will become a better place if everyone can share their thoughts and everyone will listen to each other.
We have the opportunity to earn money for your video.
To do this, you will need to gain 50 subscribers and send an application for mounting on sections your accounts.
< br />Telegram support: https://t.me/vimouz_bot