नवीनतम वीडियो
Mikrotik OpenVPN Tools
Add OpenVPN Server
Add VPN user
Add pool
Create vpn users from a file
Generates passwords, creates a certificate, and creates all the necessary files in a separate folder with a username.
How the user will be created, in the window that appears
Click OK, the passwords in the fields will be updated, which makes it possible to immediately create the next user.
Collected on AUTOIT, antiviruses do not like it, they can swear
Mikrotik WireGuard Tools v0.5c
Works on SSH
add WireGuard
add Interface
add WireGuard Peer
Generates QR CODE client.😮
Save and load config
creates a ready-made configuration file for connection
collected on AUTOIT, antiviruses do not like it, they can swear
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